Free eBook on PBX traffic analysis
Released on = November 13, 2006, 2:15 pm
Press Release Author = Milton Gussow
Industry = Telecommunications
Press Release Summary = FREE TELECOM PBX TRAFFIC ANALYISIS eBook No-Risk 10-minute PBX optimization basic eBook free
Press Release Body = FREE TELECOM PBX TRAFFIC ANALYISIS eBook No-Risk 10-minute PBX optimization basic free eBook can save you up to 30% on network costs. The new free eBook: Telecom Basics for the Non-tech Office / Telecom Manager will save money by finding overweight network central office trunking.
It's free for the asking when you sign up for our newsletter. Also included is free access to an Internet Erlang calculator to do the heavy math work.
Do you know which of your central office telephone trunks are carrying a full load while some of these costly trunks are sitting idle 99% of the time? It can happen even in the busiest hours of the day! Can you spot lazy trunks in this trunk group? Trunk Hrs/Mo Min/day P0.0000 1 118.3 337.9 0.6795 2 95.8 273.7 0.4135 3 69.4 198.3 0.2233 4 43.4 123.1 0.1043 5 22.8 65.3 0.0417 6 10.0 28.6 0.0143 7 3.7 10.5 0.0042
Table of traffic carried on a 7-trunk group offered 365 total hours monthly at a 12% Busy Hour. Note that Trunk # 7 is working 10.5-minutes a day with only four out of 1,000 callers blocked on fist attempt.
The eBook is a primer that, with your phone bill, lets you test your network without incurring any expense. Since central office trunks are often over-engineered from Day 1, when you had that new telephone system installed, this area is a good candidate for savings.
When was the last time your telecom or interconnect company rep called you to say you were over trunked and suggested you remove some to save you money? Your traffic pattern could have changed. Being able to understand your phone bill will let you quickly analyze your telephone traffic, to put you in control of your telephone costs. The free eBook: Telecom Basics for the Non-Tech Office / Telecom Manager eBook includes an Internet link to a gratis Erlang calculator. The tutorial eBook gives simple instructions for the non-technical person who has inherited the responsibility of the phone system. To get the free eBook go to our web site at:
The Erlang applications are global and universal so that a telecom manager who is in China, England, Germany, India, Saudi Arabia or any other place where there is a switchboard with central office trunks, can use the eBook Telecom Basics for the Non-Tech Office / Telecom Manager to save money. There is nothing to buy for the analysis. You may need a simple 4-function calculator or a pencil and paper for basic arithmetic. The only requirement is that the eBook is registered on line. It must be ordered via the following address. It will be delivered as an attachment to an email at no cost to you. You are also invited to introduce the eBook Telecom Basics for the Non-Tech Office / Telecom Manager to 10 of your non-tech friends or to newly hired personnel you think could use this tutorial. You and the new users must register the eBook on line. The eBook is copy protected beyond 10 copies and is not printable. In exchange, you and the other registered users will be entered for a complementary subscription to the newsletter covering significant news and tips on how to save money in the telecom area. This website also introduces a brand new, full featured software package TM101XL and eBook developed for use with Microsoft Excel. TM101XL features modules that include Erlang B, Blocked Calls Lost. Erlang B Extended, Erlang C, Blocked Calls Held to Completion and a spreadsheet utility to compare costs of direct dialed toll calls with dedicated private circuits.
Being global, TM101XL includes a feature that converts the program's dollar output into any currency value with a conversion factor. For more information about software products from
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Contact Details = MG & Associates contact: Milton Gussow 1-228-435-0937
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